It has been our responsibility to go to school from the time we started to learn how to speak. But with our present economic status today, only a few can afford to go to college due to financial a problem because going into college is more expensive but yet it is the most important thing that one must went through to finish studies. The government understands this kind of situation so that is why they grant scholarships to the ones that are in need of such kind of finances and support. Although there are also those who can afford to send themselves to school, there are actually only a few of them.

But because the government grants scholarships, many of our less fortunate countrymen are also able to continue their studies and achieve their goals in life because they have been given the chance to finish a degree in college with the help of the government. The main reason why the government grants scholarships is that the government believes that the youth are the foundation of the nation. We all know how difficult life today is, and with the rising costs of most primary commodities paired with low salary, education is something that most people would not consider as a basic need in life. Instead of going to school, they would just use their money to fund more important things like food, clothing and shelter. Even though how intelligent or smart their child is, if they cannot sustain their education, it's useless.

The government has found the solution to education problems of the country. They are giving out scholarship grants only to those less fortunate people, students who need financial assistance, and to those who can not sustain the cost of college education. Government scholarships are already settled, the student will be the one to apply for it. During application, the government usually gives an exam to test those students who are willing to study in college. A student must pass the exam in order to avail of the scholarship. Usually during application, there are several requirements or credentials that you have to submit as a proof that you really cannot sustain college life like birth certificate, class card, monthly billing statements, and many more.

There are different kinds of scholarship grants that a student can avail. Example of this are working scholarship program, study now pay later, student loan, president scholar, and more. Many are availing for the working scholarship program because a student sees it as an edge to have work experience while still studying. For study now pay later, the government gives full credit to the tuition fees of the students and the student will be paying for it when he or she starts to work. The common sources for the fund come from the account of the government coming from the taxes taken from the employees. Also, some of the funding comes from the public and private organizations or even inside the university. The government sets rules and regulations for those students that avails the scholarship. Usually, they give cut off grades that a student must maintain in order stay in the program.

本文出自 Mr.J ....


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